While most of us welcome the sunshine and warmer weather, it is important to remember the various health problems hot weather can bring, that might affect you or your family.
To help you beat the heat and stay well this summer, please follow this advice from the UK Health Security Agency (UK HSA).
- Looking out for vulnerable neighbours including older people and young children especially those who have an underlying health issue such as asthma or heart condition.
- Drinking plenty of fluid particularly water, aiming for at least two litres and avoiding alcohol, caffeine or hot drinks.
- Dressing appropriately and covering up including wearing a hat and sunglasses.
- Avoiding the heat as much as possible and limiting going out during the hottest part of the day (11am – 3pm).
- Wearing sunscreen with a minimum sun protection factor of SP15.
- Following the weather updates and advice on keeping well.
- Finding ways to keep homes cool including keeping windows that are exposed to the sun closed during the day, and open windows at night when the temperature has dropped.
Heatwaves can cause other issues too such including travel disruption and power cuts, so please follow the below advice too:
- Be prepared for travel disruption and only travel if it is essential. Follow Essex Travel News (@Essex_Travel) / Twitter for updates. If you do need to travel, make sure you have plenty of water with you and perhaps a handheld fan.
- The heat may cause power cuts. In the event of a power cut, report it to UK Power Networks by calling 0800 31 63 105 or 105.
- Taking a dip in open waters and going swimming are great ways to cool down, but please be aware of the dangers of water. Never swim alone and never leave children unattended around water. For more advice visit: Summer Water Safety (essex-fire.gov.uk)
- You can also visit the Mid and South Essex ICS website for top tips and advice on how you can stay well, while enjoying the summer weather: Summer health advice – Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (ics.nhs.uk)